Choir Rehearsal
Parish HallOver 60s Walking Group
First Friday of Month: Cutler Park Meet at Parking Lot at 84 Kendrick St, Needham Heights, MA 02494 Second Friday of the month: Ware Cove/Flower Meadow, Auburndale Meet at the parking lot at end of West Pine Street (104) Third Friday of the month: Hammond Pond Reservation/Webster Woods Meet at parking lot behind Chestnut Hill Shopping Center […]
Band Rehearsal
SanctuaryOver 60s Sponsored Presentation: Philosophical Religion: FUUSN’s Heritage
Alliance Room and ZoomJanuary 26, 2025, 12-1:30 pm Alliance Room and Zoom Lunch bites provided Presenter: Arthur Anderson, JD, author of The Transcendentalists and the Death and Rebirth of Western Philosophical Religion: Part 1, Ancient Philosophy as a Religious Way of Life; Part 2, Abrahamic Religion against Freedom of Thought Independent Researcher, Teacher In a radical departure from […]
Greeter Team Training
FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United StatesWe are seeking new members for our team of people who welcome visitors and newcomers to FUUSN each week before the service. If you are extroverted, love FUUSN, and can volunteer at least twice a month, please join current greeters for a training on how to best welcome and engage visitors. Sign up here. Current greeters, please sign […]
Choir Rehearsal
Parish HallOver 60s Walking Group
First Friday of Month: Cutler Park Meet at Parking Lot at 84 Kendrick St, Needham Heights, MA 02494 Second Friday of the month: Ware Cove/Flower Meadow, Auburndale Meet at the parking lot at end of West Pine Street (104) Third Friday of the month: Hammond Pond Reservation/Webster Woods Meet at parking lot behind Chestnut Hill Shopping Center […]
Zoom Vespers
OnlineCome to Vespers for music, readings and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30 pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47 pm Join Zoom Meeting
Services Auction
Parish Hall, Kitchen and Children's ChapelDon't miss our Mardi Gras Services Auction on Saturday, February 1! This party is one of the more enjoyable Saturday nights you will have all year. Doors open at 5:30pm for dinner, socializing, and browsing raffle and auction items. Live Auction starts at 6:30pm. Optional bidding on great items such as weekend vacation homes, gourmet dinners, and other services. […]