Climate Action Task Force

If you are interested in getting involved, contact us.
WE invite all FUUSN members to participate in climate actions that include:
UUMass Action webinar: Wednesday May 15th from 5pm-6pm: The Countdown Begins: Let’s Rally for Climate & Environmental Action, to help get important Massachusetts climate legislation over the finish line. Register here:
Green Sanctuary 2030 Webinar: Our task force is in the process of helping FUUSN adopt and participate in the UUA’s Green Sanctuary 2030 program. There is a webinar on Friday, May 17th at 8pm on: Funding for Congregational Clean Energy & Climate Solutions: IRA Funds and UUs. You can RSVP or register here: https://secure. 8US0IVOzoUWLs394aK7npg2 -
BERDO Community Education Forum: Our task force is co-sponsoring a forum on Thursday, May 30th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall to learn about the Newton
“Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance,.” also known as “BERDO.” This ordinance will be presented to the Newton City Council Zoning and Planning Committee on Tuesday, May 28th, and applies to existing, non-residential buildings greater than 20,000 square feet in size. FUUSN’s building is one of the buildings to which this ordinance will apply. The ordinance requires building owners to measure carbon emissions from the building, and over time, reduce those emissions to zero by 2050. We encourage you to attend, and to share this information with your broader circles within Newton. We are co-sponsoring this forum with Green Newton, Mothers Out Front and the Newton chapter of 350Mass. REGISTER HERE.
Sandy Island: John Dundon will share information about the Green Sanctuary 2030 program with interested FUUSN-ites at Sandy Island as one of the activities. If you are going to Sandy Island, please join John to learn more about our plans for the upcoming year, and how you can participate.
- Next meeting: A sub-group of our task force will meet on Thursday June 27th on Zoom to discuss the first step in joining the Green Sanctuary process, by creating a Profile for FUUSN. Anyone on the task force is welcome to attend.Here is a link to the Profile document we will be discussing: