July 2, 2023 – NO SERVICE
In observance of Independence Day weekend, there will be no service on July 2, 2023.
Join us for the FUUSN Musicians Concert – February 23, 2025
Learn moreFUUSN Musicians ConcertIn observance of Independence Day weekend, there will be no service on July 2, 2023.
Church is where you find it. Join us for a jazz concert tuned to the qualities of human experience we look for in church. Geoff Hicks, celebrated local jazz artist (and minister) will transform our Parish Hall into a jazz club where you will be invited to refine the habit of finding church everywhere. Note: […]
Curt Lamb will lead a service that explores the fundamental values behind positions taken across our polarized political spectrum with the goal of expanding our understanding of, and perhaps empathy for, people whose views differ from our own. Note: This service is online only. http://bit.ly/fuusn-zoom Meeting ID: 956 9102 1697
Life is a round of losings and findings. Cathy Morocco, Lois Shapiro, Chris Welles and Norm Thibeault will lead a service on losings and findings filled with poetry that has found its lost music, and poetry that is still searching. Note: This service is in person only in the Parish Hall. There will be no […]
How much attention do you give to your habits of attention? Have you ever noticed how hard it is to take in goodness? Claire Willis will help us understand new research that suggests we can actually increase our resilience, strength and capacity to carry our suffering by reconsidering our habits of attention. We will become […]
Practicing mindfulness and singing together allows a place in us to open enough that we can hear or feel or sense the Spirit in us. The First Unitarian Universalist Society of Newton (FUUSN) will host an informal Sunday Service at 10:15 on August 6 that explores a few of the paths of practice that lead […]
FUUSN has a long and formidable history of social activism, including 19th century campaigns for abolition and public education, and 20th century crusades for civil rights. Bob Ellertsen will evoke our activist heritage in today's service to invigorate our commitment to action on issues of the 21st century. Note: This service is online only. http://bit.ly/fuusn-zoom […]
How does music take us beyond our assumed identities? The 'physical world' of Beethoven’s final piano sonata fills no more than 27 minutes of clock time, but through it we experience a sound world in which time seems to stand still and we gain the experience of individual identity merging with a larger whole. Lois […]
Younger people are increasingly taking a pass on church attendance. Tandi Rogers, a UU minister who leads the spiritual direction program at Meadville Lombard Theological School, is an expert observer of this development. In this service, she will help us understand where young people might be going instead to find what they are searching for. […]
In observance of the Labor Day weekend, there will be no service on September 3, 2023.
We resume Sunday Services in the sanctuary with our annual ritual of ingathering. All are invited to bring a small amount of water from your summer journeys, near or far, to symbolize what has given us life and nourished us in our time apart. Rev. Parisa Parsa, Devin Shmueli, Anne Watson Born, Carson Cooman and […]
Rev. Parisa Parsa Today's world desperately needs the message of our Universalist heritage: the bold claim that all are saved and that we must tune ourselves to the love of God present in us, among us, and beyond us. Continuing our theme of Heritage, we will explore some of the radical thinkers who kept this […]