Submit an Event
Would you like to schedule a FUUSN event? Submit it here, but FIRST, consider:
Does it take place at FUUSN?
- Not an Event: FUUSN Member throws backyard barbeque for family.
- Not a FUUSN Event: Outside group wishes to hold a barbeque in the Parish Hall. For that, please fill out the Space Reservation form.
- Event: FUUSN holds Independence Day barbeque in yard.
If it does not take place at FUUSN, is it specifically relevant to FUUSN?
- Not an Event: A new Farmers’ Market will be opening in Newtonville.
- Event: FUUSN’s Youth Group Volunteers at Opening of New Farmers’ Market in Newtonville on Friday, June 5th.
Is it a personal announcement, or an announcement that affects the community?
- Not an Event: FUUSN Member Celebrates 50th Birthday. (Even if this takes place at FUUSN, unless you want to invite the entire congregation, this is a Private event and requires that you submit a Space Reservation form.)
- Event: FUUSN Member Holds Charity Gala in Parish Hall in Honor of 50th Birthday.
Is it a sensitive announcement that affects the personal life of one or more FUUSN members? Also, consider carefully whether this is your news to tell.
- Not an Event: Angela and Brian are getting divorced on Tuesday.
- Event: Retirement Party for Christine after 32 years of Service as Treasurer.
Is it a recurring event?:
- Just a single event: FUUSN Madrigal Singers Perform Thursday at 7pm.
- Recurring event: FUUSN Madrigal Singers will hold rehearsals every Friday at 5pm.
NOTE: Submitting this form does not mean the event will automatically be scheduled. Our staff will contact you to confirm the event.
All submitted events will be carefully reviewed by FUUSN staff before being published on our web site. To be included in our weekly newsletter each Wednesday, items must be submitted by 9am the previous Tuesday. To be included in the Order of Service, items must be submitted by 9am the previous Thursday.
Submit an Event to FUUSN
Have an upcoming event that you think would be of interest and benefit to the FUUSN community? Submit it here. Note: For inclusion in the weekly newsletter, events must be submitted by 9am Tuesday for Wednesday's newsletter.