Yoga Meditation Group
Parish HallSoul Collage
ChapelImages, Intuition, and Insight with Isabel Phillips, Ed.D Take a break from your thinking brain and rest in your imagination and creativity! Follow what fascinates you. There will be images galore, meditative music, and grace-filled time to follow your curiosity and wonder. SoulCollage® begins with the process of choosing and then combining images on a 5” […]
Newcomers Potluck
FUUSN Kitchen and Alliance Room 1326 Washington ST, Newton, MAIf you're new to FUUSN or still feel new, or if you are reconnecting after being away for some time, you are invited to a potluck dinner in the Alliance Room at FUUSN on Saturday, December 14th at 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Children are welcome and child care will be provided if desired. Come […]
Alternative Coffee Hour
Alliance Room, Childrens' Chapel, and Ministers' ParlorBand Rehearsal
SanctuaryPageant Rehearsal
This year's Christmas Pageant is switching to a no-rehearsal-needed format. That said, if you or your child would like a prominent role in the pageant, we will be holding a brief rehearsal on Sunday, December 15th at 12pm to give you an opportunity to run through the role before the Christmas Pageant Service on December […]
Caroling Events 2024
Looking to do some caroling? We have 3 FUUSN caroling events scheduled: Saturday, Dec.7, at the amazing Holiday Fair - 10:30am: Gather around the piano. Sunday Dec. 15, 12-2pm in Newton Centre: we'll meet near the big parking lot (more info closer to the day). Let me know you're coming so I can have a caroling book […]
Hanukkah Event – Dorshei
Parish Hall, Kitchen, Alliance, Headstart & ChapelUU Plant-Based Eating Club – Small Group Potlucks
Members' Home TBAMonthly plant-based potlucks hosted by UUPBEC.
Caroling Events 2024
Looking to do some caroling? We have 3 FUUSN caroling events scheduled: Saturday, Dec.7, at the amazing Holiday Fair - 10:30am: Gather around the piano. Sunday Dec. 15, 12-2pm in Newton Centre: we'll meet near the big parking lot (more info closer to the day). Let me know you're coming so I can have a caroling book […]
Operations Council Meeting
ChapelMeeting minutes may be found here.