The First Unitarian Society welcomes you to rent church space for your group or organization. As a privilege of membership, FUUSN members may use the space for an adjusted fee. Anyone using the space, including members, must fill out a Building Use Application. You may set up and clean up yourself, or you may pay the sexton to do so. The cleaning fee is $150. The following rooms are available:
To Rent Space
For events where alcohol will not be served, please fill out our Short Rental Form. For events where alcohol will be served, please fill out our Long Rental Form. Or simply call the office administrator, 617-527-3203, or email to check space availability and obtain a Building Use Form. You may email the completed form, but to reserve the space, you must also drop off or mail a $100 deposit to the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton, 1326 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465. All rentals are subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions. Note that submitting a form does not guarantee availability.
Checks should be made payable to the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton. Final payment must be received on or before the date of use. FUUSN reserves the right to rescind or reassign the space should it be needed for a memorial service and reception.
Rentals for Weddings
Contact Fran Clancy, 617-527-3203, to secure the society for a wedding. Weddings have a special set of considerations including how one arranges for an officiant to perform the ceremony and who may make use of the piano and organ. Please call as much in advance as possible to see if space is available. All rules of building use apply. Wedding space rental is free for members of FUUSN. Please see our weddings page for additional information.
Terms of Use
Refunds: In the event of a cancellation, refunds will be made as follows:
- 3 months prior to use – Full refund
- Less then 3 months to 1 month – 50 percent
- Less than 1 month – No refund
The person who signs the request form is responsible for ensuring that the following conditions are met:
- Please enforce the no smoking rule in the building.
- Please see that no food is brought into the sanctuary. All persons using the kitchen facilities must comply, per order of the city health department, with all posted food safety rules. Unfortunately, no storage is available for personal property, supplies, food, etc.
- Before you leave, please ensure that all furniture/equipment is restored to its original location, that the lights are turned off, and the doors locked.
- Any damage, regardless of how minor, must be reported to the office. The person who signed the Building Use Form bears the cost of repair.
- Office equipment is available to eligible society members only.
- Please supervise children at all times for their own safety. The community counts on guests who rent the space to treat the church building and properties with respect and to leave them clean and in order.
The Sanctuary’s seating capacity is 550 on the floor and 68 in the upstairs gallery. The use of this space must be in keeping with its historic purpose and is subject to the minister’s approval.
Fee: $2000 / Non-profits $750 / Members $500. Weddings and memorial services for members are free.
This space, along with the Parish Hall and Downstairs Kitchen, is rented with the understanding that the reserved space may be withdrawn should it be needed for a deceased member’s memorial service and reception. All equipment must be used in compliance with the posted operating instructions. The space must be cleaned and trash bagged and removed. Cleaning Fee: $150

Parish Hall
The Parish Hall has a capacity of 160-180. Tables and chairs are available. This space may be rented with or without the kitchen. Includes an overhead projector, retractable projection screen, sound system, and grand piano.
Fee: $1000/ Non-profits $300/ Members $ 200. Weddings and memorial services for members are free. Birthday Parties $50/hour.
This space, along with the Sanctuary and Downstairs Kitchen, is rented with the understanding that the reserved space may be withdrawn should it be needed for a deceased member’s memorial service and reception. All equipment must be used in compliance with the posted operating instructions. The space must be cleaned and trash bagged and removed. Cleaning Fee: $150.

Downstairs Kitchen
The Downstairs Kitchen can be rented with the Alliance Room, Parish Hall or Sanctuary.
Fee: $300 / Non-profits $110/ Members $75.
This space, along with the Sanctuary and Parish Hall, is rented with the understanding that the reserved space may be withdrawn should it be needed for a deceased member’s memorial service and reception. All equipment must be used in compliance with the posted operating instructions. The space must be cleaned and trash bagged and removed. Cleaning Fee: $150.

Alliance Room
The Alliance Room is located on the first floor next to the kitchen. This is a medium-sized space with comfortable seating for 100 with folding chairs added. It includes an overhead projector and retractable projection screen.
Fees: $500 / Non-profits $185/ Members $125

Ministers’ Parlor
The Ministers’ Parlor is a small, cozy space with comfortable seating for 15.
Fee: $200 / Non-profits $75/ Members $50.

Headstart Room
The Headstart Room has seating capacity for 75-100. It’s located on the second floor with an adjoining kitchen and toilet facilities. This space is not handicapped accessible but is ideal for exercise and dance classes.
Fee: $600 / Non-profits $225/ Members $150.
There is an adjacent space, a partially functional kitchen with a long table and chairs; the fee for both is $880/ Non-profits $300 / Members $200.

Children’s Chapel
The Children’s Chapel has a seating capacity of 34-40. This space is equipped with a piano and both stacked and folding chairs. Folding tables may be brought in from the closet under the stairs.
Fee: $400 / Non-profits $150 / Members $100.

Downstairs Classrooms
There are five downstairs classrooms. The capacity of these rooms varies between 15-30.
Fee per classroom: $150 / Non-profits $55 / Members $35.