Event Series Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi Class

Headstart Room

Come and participate in this traditional form known as "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" and experience for yourself this extraordinary gift from China's rich cultural heritage. Joe Lyons, Instructor.

Event Series Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi Class

Headstart Room

Come and participate in this traditional form known as "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" and experience for yourself this extraordinary gift from China's rich cultural heritage. Joe Lyons, Instructor.

Co-Ministry Q&A Meeting


We continue to get great questions about co-ministry at FUUSN, and we invite you to attend an hour-long question & answer session on this topic. Please RSVP. We encourage you to look at the Frequently Asked Questions About Co-Ministry we sent you, if you haven't had a chance yet -- people have told us this document is helpful. […]

Event Series Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi Class

Headstart Room

Come and participate in this traditional form known as "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" and experience for yourself this extraordinary gift from China's rich cultural heritage. Joe Lyons, Instructor.

Event Series Tai Chi Class

Tai Chi Class

Headstart Room

Come and participate in this traditional form known as "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" and experience for yourself this extraordinary gift from China's rich cultural heritage. Joe Lyons, Instructor.

FUUSN Climate Action Task Force – BERDO Education Forum

Parish Hall

The FUUSN Climate Action Task Force, in collaboration with Green Newton, and the Newton chapters of Mothers Out Front and 350Mass, invites you to an educational forum about how we can HELP THE CLIMATE by reducing building emissions. The Newton city council is considering a proposal called the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO), […]

Over 60s Presentation: Yoga for Beginner’s Mind

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

All WELCOME !! - Both beginners and practitioners. Presenter: Helena Froehlich, Professional teacher and creator. Alliance Room: 12 – 1:30 pm. Refreshments.

New to Unitarian Universalism Class


The New to Unitarian Universalism class from 9:30 AM to Noon in the Children's Chapel is an opportunity to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and FUUSN and to find out more about becoming a member of our congregation. It's a great opportunity to learn more about us, and we strongly urge you to attend.  Please RSVP.

Greeter Team Training

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

We are seeking new members for our team of people who welcome visitors and newcomers to FUUSN each week before the service. If you are extroverted, love FUUSN, and can volunteer at least twice a month, please join current greeters for a training on how to best welcome and engage visitors. Sign up here. Current greeters, please sign […]

Postponed Over 60s Presentation: Introduction to Storytelling

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Introduction to Storytelling:  Open to all!! Presenter/Teacher:  Linda Grosser Telling true personal stories is sharing what it is like to be human.  We connect—tellers and listeners—because true heartfelt stories, whether joyful, poignant, or funny, illuminate how we are really all the same, not different. We surely need this in our world.   And, crafting a personal story can also be […]