Worship Service: Love and the JETPIG Values

Rev. Joel and Rev. Debra co-leading worship In June, the General Assembly of the UUA overwhelmingly passed a revised statement of our values and principles.  Come and learn more in this introduction to these changes in how we center our faith.  Future services this year will cover each of these themes in depth. Please join […]

Teen Depression Workshop for Trusted Adults

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

The First UU Society in Newton will be partnering with Families for Depression Awareness (FFDA) to offer loved ones and other trusted adults an opportunity to learn about teen mental wellness and how to support the teens in their lives. Families for Depression Awareness helps families recognize and cope with depression and bipolar disorder to get people […]

Appreciative Inquiry with Revs. Debra and Joel


Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is defined as “an asset-based approach to organizational and social engagement that utilizes questions and dialogue to help participants uncover existing strengths, advantages, or opportunities” in their organizations, including congregations. We will create questions to help identify FUUSN’s strengths and opportunities. We want to hear what works well, when was FUUSN at […]

Appreciative Inquiry with Revs. Debra and Joel – Basement Classroom

Downstairs Classrooms

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is defined as “an asset-based approach to organizational and social engagement that utilizes questions and dialogue to help participants uncover existing strengths, advantages, or opportunities” in their organizations, including congregations. We will create questions to help identify FUUSN’s strengths and opportunities. We want to hear what works well, when was FUUSN at […]

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Zoom Vespers on Fridays for music, readings, and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47pm. Vespers dates: August 30, Sept. 6, 13, 27, Oct. 4, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 29, Dec. 20. Info: music@fuusn.org.

FUUSN Yard Sale

Parish Hall and Kitchen

Find it at the FUUSN Yard Sale! Toys and games, household items, art, collectibles, kitchen gadgets, pet items, tools, office supplies, crafts, luggage, frames, baskets, and more! Low prices! Please invite your friends and neighbors! Volunteer to make the Yard Sale and Holiday Fair a success. Your participation matters. These events have been so successful […]

Worship Service: Wheel of Life

Sanctuary and Zoom

Lay Ministry This Sunday your lay ministers will offer our annual Wheel of Life service. This service is where we recognize our collective transitions of the past year - growing our families through births and adoptions; moving on in our lives through graduations, new jobs, retirements, and geographic relocations; coming into our own truer selves […]

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Zoom Vespers on Fridays for music, readings, and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47pm. Vespers dates: August 30, Sept. 6, 13, 27, Oct. 4, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 29, Dec. 20. Info: music@fuusn.org.

UU Urban Ministry Presentation: Revolution Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow


The UU Urban Ministry is offering a virtual and in person 4 session series on the American Revolution with a focus on events that took place in Roxbury. The first session (Revolution in Roxbury) will be virtual on Thursday, November 7th from 6-7pm. Your UU Urban Ministry Delegates will be streaming the session in the […]

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Zoom Vespers on Fridays for music, readings, and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47pm. Vespers dates: August 30, Sept. 6, 13, 27, Oct. 4, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 29, Dec. 20. Info: music@fuusn.org.