City of Newton’s 57th Annual Community Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Newton's 57th Annual Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. is right around the corner, and this year, FUUSN was selected to host the event. Join FUUSN, the Harmony Board and the City of Newton, dedicated event partners, and fellow community members on Monday, January 20th, starting at 9am, for reflection, music, student voices, children's programming with […]

Over 60s Sponsored Presentation: Philosophical Religion: FUUSN’s Heritage

Alliance Room and Zoom

January 26, 2025, 12-1:30 pm Alliance Room and Zoom Lunch bites provided Presenter: Arthur Anderson, JD, author of The Transcendentalists and the Death and Rebirth of Western Philosophical Religion: Part 1, Ancient Philosophy as a Religious Way of Life; Part 2, Abrahamic Religion against Freedom of Thought Independent Researcher, Teacher In a radical departure from […]

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Vespers for music, readings and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30 pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47 pm Join Zoom Meeting

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Vespers for music, readings and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30 pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47 pm Join Zoom Meeting

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Vespers for music, readings and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30 pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47 pm Join Zoom Meeting

Musicians Concert

Sanctuary and Parish Hall

Come and hear the wonderful musicians of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in concert on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 2pm in the FUUSN Sanctuary. This concert is a fundraiser for the UU Urban Ministry. You’ll hear classical chamber music by pianist Paul Antonucci, cellist Debra Minard, and guitarist Bob MacWilliams. Of course, the intrepid FUUSN Band […]

Mission Possible! Pledge Drive Music Gala

Parish Hall

Join us for an extravaganza of musical talent, organized and produced by the intrepid Anne Watson Born! Rumor has it that Rev. Joel will perform – don't miss it! This year, rather than many small house parties, we are gathering as one fantastic community at a large after-dinner party to kick off our Annual Pledge […]

Postponed Over 60s Presentation: Introduction to Storytelling

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Introduction to Storytelling:  Open to all!! Presenter/Teacher:  Linda Grosser Telling true personal stories is sharing what it is like to be human.  We connect—tellers and listeners—because true heartfelt stories, whether joyful, poignant, or funny, illuminate how we are really all the same, not different. We surely need this in our world.   And, crafting a personal story can also be […]

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Vespers for music, readings and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30 pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47 pm Join Zoom Meeting

Event Series Zoom Vespers

Zoom Vespers


Come to Vespers for music, readings and conversation. The service runs from 6 to 6:30 pm. Pre-service music begins around 5:47 pm Join Zoom Meeting