Worship Service: Love and the JETPIG Values

Rev. Joel and Rev. Debra co-leading worship In June, the General Assembly of the UUA overwhelmingly passed a revised statement of our values and principles.  Come and learn more in this introduction to these changes in how we center our faith.  Future services this year will cover each of these themes in depth. Please join […]

Worship Service: Wheel of Life

Sanctuary and Zoom

Lay Ministry This Sunday your lay ministers will offer our annual Wheel of Life service. This service is where we recognize our collective transitions of the past year - growing our families through births and adoptions; moving on in our lives through graduations, new jobs, retirements, and geographic relocations; coming into our own truer selves […]

Worship Service: Feel, Deal, Heal


Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries While recovery is not one-size-fits-all, one thing we can learn from people in recovery - living with behavioral or substance addiction - is that it is necessary for one to lean into complex feelings rather than find unhealthy ways to cope. What does feel, deal, heal mean? Healing starts with […]

Worship Service: Christmas Pageant and Carol Sing

Sanctuary and Zoom

Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry Join us for this festive, all-ages celebration of the Christmas Story in word and song, followed by an enthusiastic singing of carols! Bring your Christmas cheer or find it here!

Worship Service: Quaker Service (no Zoom)


Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry Our annual Quaker-style service will be held on Sunday December 31, 2023 at 10:15am in the Sanctuary. “…group silence is a type of communion, using both the religious and secular meaning of the word. We are taking sustenance and solace from each other, receiving a blessing of the spirit. We […]

Worship Service: Transformation

Sanctuary and Zoom

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner Transformation is one of the newly adopted shared values of the UUA, also known as Article 2. As we enter this new year, join Rev. Debra in exploring what transformation means in our own lives and in the lives of our institutions and society.

Worship Service: For Such a Time as This

Sanctuary and Zoom

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner The inauguration is January 20th.  How can we prepare ourselves for the changes to come?  Rev. Debra will offer lessons from two books – On Tyranny and Strongmen – to consider how Unitarian Universalists might need to respond.  She will share why she believes that our social justice efforts must be directed to protecting democracy […]

Worship Service: Pluralism and Equity

Sanctuary and Zoom

Rev. Joel Miller Pluralism and Equity are two of the newly adopted shared values of the UUA.  Rev. Joel will explore them in the context of honoring the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Worship Service: This Dangerous Congregation

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Joel Miller I don't think of us as dangerous, but I've heard others call us dangerous -- and for changing the world in such wonderful ways! We also are beginning our Annual Pledge Drive this morning. Join Us On Zoom: https://bit.ly/fuusn-worship-2024-2025 Share Your Joys or Sorrows Religious Exploration This Week Pre-K - 4th Grade: […]

Worship Service: Justice

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner One of the new UU core values is Justice. We'll explore what a commitment to justice means in the light of attacks on our democracy as well as the efforts to dismantle DEIA programs (diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility). Religious Exploration: EPIC Exploring Congregational Stewardship

Worship Service: Music Sunday

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Anne Watson Born “I will lift mine eyes to the hills” - for centuries, humans have turned to the Biblical Psalms for comfort and guidance. We will sing various psalm settings along with other renewing songs of our faith. Religious Exploration: Soul Matters (Theme: Trust)

Worship Service: Faulty Failures

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Joel Miller Nothing is risk-free in life - which make avoiding all risk costly and impossible. I aim for risks that allow even my failures can have benefits. Religious Exploration: Spirit Play