Memorial Day
Sanctuary and ZoomRev. Parisa Parsa Join us for a service honoring those we have lost in wars near and far.
Please make your Annual Pledge — Be Part of Possible!
Pledge HereAnnual Pledge Drive Form 2025Rev. Parisa Parsa Join us for a service honoring those we have lost in wars near and far.
Rev. Parisa Parsa Historically one of the Seven Deadly Sins in Western Christianity, pride has been reclaimed not just by LGBTQ+ folx but also as a healthy and important way […]
Today we are experiencing something of a renaissance in the understanding and acceptance of psychedelic experience. The medical community is leading this renaissance as it researches the power of psychedelics […]
Singer songwriter Leonard Cohen wrote in his song, Anthem, “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” In this service – Strong in the Broken […]
As members of a liberal faith, we are regularly alerted to the importance of disciplining capitalism through initiatives like anti-monopoly legislation, unionization; and social, equity and governance policies. In our […]
Is Unitarian Universalism best described as a late offshoot of Protestant Christianity, or a very late offshoot of Greek philosophy? FUUSN member Arthur Anderson has made a decades-long study of […]
What endures through victory or defeat, despite the enthusiasms of the day.? Let's take some time out from the everflowing stream of events to consider the everlasting present. Rev. Tom Schade is a […]
Rev. Joel Miller I've found a journey into the heat and loneliness of the desert might become a pilgrimage into the spirituality of hospitality. And that can be an experience of being […]
Rev. Joel and Rev. Debra co-leading worship In June, the General Assembly of the UUA overwhelmingly passed a revised statement of our values and principles. Come and learn more in […]
Lay Ministry This Sunday your lay ministers will offer our annual Wheel of Life service. This service is where we recognize our collective transitions of the past year - growing […]
Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries While recovery is not one-size-fits-all, one thing we can learn from people in recovery - living with behavioral or substance addiction - is […]
Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry Join us for this festive, all-ages celebration of the Christmas Story in word and song, […]