Mission Vision

Downstairs Classrooms

Sign up here to reserve your spot: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949ABA729ABFAC07-55276626-mission#/

Worship Service: Justice

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner One of the new UU core values is Justice. We'll explore what a commitment to justice means in the light of attacks on our democracy as well as the efforts to dismantle DEIA programs (diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility). Religious Exploration: EPIC Exploring Congregational Stewardship

Coffee with the Minister

Ministers' Parlor

Are you new to FUUSN? Visiting for the first time? Come meet Rev. Debra in the Ministers' Parlor during Coffee Hour.

Eat’in with the Elders

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Brown bag lunch sponsored by the Over 60s, with Reverends Joel and Debra.  Come join us for this enjoyable time together with our ministers.  Transportation to and from FUUSN can be arranged if needed through the Over 60s and/or our Care Crew.