Annual Events and Retreats
FUUSN community life is enriched by special events throughout the year. These are just some of our annual events and retreats!
Seasonal Worship Services
Throughout the year, we hold special worship services to commemorate seasonal and historical moments, such as the Water Ceremony, Christmas, Easter, and Flower Communion.
Learn more.
Community Expo
Once or twice per year, FUUSN holds a Community Expo where people can learn about all the committees, clubs, groups, and teams at FUUSN. This year, it has been scheduled for September 22, 2024. Members of each group will be present to explain what they do, render assistance, help you connect, and provide opportunities to make a difference in the community.

Ferry Beach Retreat
One weekend in October, about 100 community members gather at Ferry Beach, a Unitarian Universalist camp and conference center perched on a lovely beach in southern Maine, to enjoy camaraderie and nearby attractions. The group organizes activities, services, and games, ride bikes or walk in the woods, and may also take advantage of nearby attractions. Some people stay put and enjoy the beach, sports, and crafts; others venture to the Portland Museum, apple picking, or kayaking.
Learn More about this year's retreat.
Yard Sale – Saturday, October 25, 2025, 9:30am – 1pm
One of our favorite yearly fundraising events, the Yard Sale is an opportunity to turn your unwanted items into treasures, and to find new treasures as well! At the Yard Sale, you’ll find: toys and games, household items, art, collectibles, kitchen gadgets, electronics, pet items, tools, office supplies, crafts, luggage, frames, baskets, and more! Low prices!
The Yard Sale will be set up on Thursday night and all day Friday, October 23 and 24. We will open to the public on Saturday, October 25. We will take donations (no books until the fair) at FUUSN from after service on October 19 through Friday afternoon, October 24.
View more information about the Yard Sale and Holiday Fair 2025.

Holiday Fair – December 6, 2025
The Holiday Fair is held on the first Saturday of December every year and is a wonderful annual fellowship experience, as well as one of FUUSN’s largest fundraising events after the annual budget drive. Members make jams, jellies, relishes and vinegars; raffle a quilt, craft ornaments and other artifacts; collect books, jewelry, china and glassware, furniture and other objects to sell; purchase trees and wreaths and participate in a silent auction. There is a role for every member of the FUUSN community, and the event is a perfect activity for folks who can’t commit to a long-term project or would like to get to know people better.
Learn more.
The FUUSN Fabulous Services Auction
Annually on the First Saturday in February
The FUUSN Fabulous Services Auction provides FUUSNites the opportunity to bid on services that are mostly donated by FUUSN folks. Dinner is served, and the evening is meant to be a fun community-building event in addition to raising funds to support FUUSN. If you are interested in helping with this event, the Services Auction Committee is always looking for new members who like to have fun and enjoying working with a group.
FUUSN Fabulous Services Auction 2024
Sandy Island Retreat – Memorial Day Weekend Every Year
Sandy Island, a small isle in Lake Winnepesauke (N.H.), is home to a YMCA camp that we use as a retreat center every year. Our focus here is to reconnect with the natural world and with each other.
Sandy Island Retreat 2024