Over 60s Presents: Arts Fest Series 2023-24

The Over 60s have taken the initiative to showcase our many FUUSN artists. A different art form will be represented during coffee hour on one Sunday each month with artists displaying their general art medium together. ALL artist creators, novices and experts who putter, play, experiment, explore, publish and/or market are urged to participate and are happily invited to join their art medium group in enjoying each others works and creating together a display in the Parish Hall or Alliance Room on the Sunday for the art medium designated for that month. We will have the opportunity to savor different art works and talk with and learn about our artists and their creations.
This initiative is lead by our creative leaders, Barbara Deck and Kit Ryan with support from Karen Edwards, Anne Watson Born and other organizers who volunteer each month during the year!
Our Coffee Hour Calendar:
Note: This calendar is subject to change. Check back here frequently or check the Events calendar.
- September 24, 2023: Fiber Arts – sewing projects, quilts, needle point, knitting work, decorated jeans, jackets, etc., that our congregants have worked on, perhaps never finished or still in process but enjoyed, worn, felt excited in doing, would like to teach us about.
- October 22, 2023: Celebration of our FUUSN’s 175th Anniversary, under the guidance of the Ops Council and Board
- November 19, 2023: Poetry Bash (original and recited).
- December 17, 2023: Voice – singing, choir, barber shop quartets, madrigals. Contact Anne Born Watson to participate.
- January 21, 2024: Music, Instrumental, harmonica, violin, cello, original compositions. Contact Anne Born Watson to participate.
- February 11, 2024: Visual Arts (drawings, paintings, watercolors, collages, mosaics, stain glass work, pottery, etc.)
- March 17, 2024: Authors and their books, experiences
- April 7, 2024: Photography
- June 2, 2024: Gardening, flowers, landscape creations/planning, tips on invasive plants and enriching plants for insects, butterflies, – healthy eco-systems.
Dear Creators, please do be in touch with Barbara Deck and Kit Ryan, who will be reaching out to welcome and organize these art medium clusters.