The opportunities to engage in spiritually fulfilling service at FUUSN are as numerous as the benefits you will receive from doing so. In addition to our weekly service, there is something for everyone at FUUSN. Whether you prefer a “one and done” volunteer job, such as helping at the annual Holiday Fair, or a regular opportunity such as welcoming newcomers on Sunday or teaching Religious Education, our congregation welcomes your participation at any level. Many have said that it was serving on a committee or volunteering at FUUSN that fostered their feelings of community and connection to FUUSN. Please join us – we look forward to getting to know you better!
Please contact us if you would like to volunteer or become involved in our many groups, projects, and committees.
Need a signup created? Contact need-signup-genius@fuusn.org.
Upcoming Events
Make a Meal for Community Day Center of Waltham Mar 23 
Mission Statement Meetings
Religious Exploration
Apply to Teach Religious Exploration
Sunday Morning Nursery Volunteer:
Volunteer with Elementary Level Sunday Morning RE:
Volunteer for Childcare for COA and Parent’s Night Out!
Ongoing Volunteering
Volunteer at Worship Services:
Volunteer at Coffee Hour:
Sunday Greeters and Member Services Table:
Volunteer with the Care Crew:
contact-care-crew@fuusn.org, 617-564-1769