Represent FUUSN at the UUA General Assembly This Summer

This is a call for delegates to represent FUUSN at this year’s General Assembly (GA), which will take place virtually from Thursday June 20 through Sunday June 23, 2024. GA is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in which delegates worship, witness, learn, and make policy for the UUA.

The theme of this year’s GA is Love Unites, Stories Ignite. “ In a world filled with division and challenges, the theme for this year’s General Assembly is a powerful reminder of the core principles that unite us as Unitarian Universalists. “Love Unites, Stories Ignite” celebrates the profound impact of love as a binding force that transcends boundaries and fosters connections within our faith community and beyond. Our faith has always been rooted in the power of storytelling, and this year we’ll explore how our stories can ignite change, inspire compassion, and help us build a more just and equitable world [GA website].

This year, one particularly important issue up for a vote is the replacement of Article II of the UUA bylaws which states the association’s purpose and principles. FUUSN’s Board of Trustees is currently engaging the congregation in discussions of this issue.

As a FUUSN delegate, you will attend the general or business sessions and participate in any votes that are taken. As a delegate, the costs of your GA registration are covered by FUUSN.

For more information about GA, please see:

If you are interested in becoming a FUUSN delegate, please contact Andy Dale.