Christmas Eve Music and Candles


This cherished service brings readings to celebrate Christmas, winter, and new birth alongside musical offerings spanning many genres. Join us for quiet beauty, contemplation and spiritual grounding to ring in Christmas.

Mary White Memorial Service

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

We extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mary White, who passed away on November 25th after a long and extraordinary battle with brain cancer. Service will begin at 11am. A reception will follow the service. The family requests that you please test for Covid before attending. Parking at FUUSN is limited […]

Event Series Sunday Services

Yasss Queen

Sanctuary and Zoom

Rev. Parisa Parsa Celebrate Purim with the tale of Queen Esther! Lift up the lives and gifts of our transgender siblings as we celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility! Join our worship celebration!

Julian Dusett Memorial Service

Sanctuary and Parish Hall

A memorial service for Julian Dusett will take place in the Sanctuary at 2pm, followed by a reception in the Parish Hall. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 970 5825 9886 Passcode: 260304

Tashlich Ceremony

Waltham Watch Factory

Tashlich is a traditional Jewish ceremony that takes place on the afternoon of Rosh Hashanah to symbolically cast off the negativity of the previous year. The word Tashlich translates to "casting off." The ceremony is traditionally performed by throwing breadcrumbs or pebbles into a flowing body of water, such as a river, lake, or ocean. […]

Worship Service: Wheel of Life

Sanctuary and Zoom

Lay Ministry This Sunday your lay ministers will offer our annual Wheel of Life service. This service is where we recognize our collective transitions of the past year - growing our families through births and adoptions; moving on in our lives through graduations, new jobs, retirements, and geographic relocations; coming into our own truer selves […]

Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil


We invite people of all faiths and identities to our annual vigil in memory of all those around the world whose lives were lost to violence due to their transgender identity. the ritual includes a litany of the names of those who were lost, music, prayers and candlelight.

Winter Solstice Service (no Zoom)


On the eve of the winter solstice, we gather to reflect on the ways that the darkness nourishes us and the light beckons us. After readings and music from many traditions' observances of this longest night, we process outside and offer our hopes for the light to come. This service will not be available on […]

Worship Service: Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols

Sanctuary and Zoom

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller Join us for a beautiful service of lessons and carols to recall the timeless Christmas story and let it enter our hearts anew. Our Sanctuary Choir will sing, and we will end the service with candlelight and "Silent Night." Come early to hear our Chime ring out […]

Worship Service: Christmas Eve Music and Candles (no Zoom)


Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner and Rev. Joel Miller This cherished service brings readings to celebrate Christmas, winter, and new birth alongside musical offerings spanning many genres. Join us for quiet beauty, contemplation and spiritual grounding to ring in Christmas. Please join us in the parish hall after the 10:00 pm service to enjoy cookies and cider and greet friends returning from […]

Worship Service: Quaker Service (no Zoom)


Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry Our annual Quaker-style service will be held on Sunday December 31, 2023 at 10:15am in the Sanctuary. “…group silence is a type of communion, using both the religious and secular meaning of the word. We are taking sustenance and solace from each other, receiving a blessing of the spirit. We […]

Memorial Service for Ed Lerner

Sanctuary and Parish Hall

Long-time FUUSN member Ed Lerner died on Christmas morning at the age of 92, at the side of Joan, his wife of 64 years. Ed was an active FUUSN member from the 1970s through the 1990s, including a term on the Board of Trustees. He and Joan retired to Cape Cod in the late 1990s, but rejoined FUUSN from […]