Worship Service: This Dangerous Congregation

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Joel Miller I don't think of us as dangerous, but I've heard others call us dangerous -- and for changing the world in such wonderful ways! We also are […]

Postponed Over 60s Presentation: Introduction to Storytelling

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Introduction to Storytelling:  Open to all!! Presenter/Teacher:  Linda Grosser Telling true personal stories is sharing what it is like to be human.  We connect—tellers and listeners—because true heartfelt stories, whether joyful, poignant, or […]

Mission Vision

Downstairs Classrooms

Sign up here to reserve your spot: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949ABA729ABFAC07-55276626-mission#/

Worship Service: Justice

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner One of the new UU core values is Justice. We'll explore what a commitment to justice means in the light of attacks on our democracy as well […]