Mission Possible! Pledge Drive Music Gala

Parish Hall

Join us for an extravaganza of musical talent, organized and produced by the intrepid Anne Watson Born! Rumor has it that Rev. Joel will perform – don't miss it! This […]

Worship Service: This Dangerous Congregation

FUUSN 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Rev. Joel Miller I don't think of us as dangerous, but I've heard others call us dangerous -- and for changing the world in such wonderful ways! We also are […]

Postponed Over 60s Presentation: Introduction to Storytelling

Alliance Room 1326 Washington St., West Newton, MA, United States

Introduction to Storytelling:  Open to all!! Presenter/Teacher:  Linda Grosser Telling true personal stories is sharing what it is like to be human.  We connect—tellers and listeners—because true heartfelt stories, whether joyful, poignant, or […]

Mission Vision

Downstairs Classrooms

Sign up here to reserve your spot: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0949ABA729ABFAC07-55276626-mission#/