From Rev. Debra: Vote Now

A gray haired man with glasses wearing a gray hoodie and a blonde woman with glasses wearing a black shirt stand in front of a glass door with yellow signs reading, "Voter Entrance" and "Enter" with an arrow pointing left.I love everything about voting. I love going to a local library or elementary school I don’t know. I love seeing the community volunteers staffing the various positions. I love the bake sales. I love filling out the little bubbles or pulling the lever. I even love standing in line waiting for my turn, knowing that the other people there are waiting to exercise the right and the power to have their say in our government. And I love the little sticker they give you at the end (see the photo!)

To say that 2024 may be the most consequential election of our lifetimes isn’t hyperbole. I can’t tell you how to vote, but I hope that you already have a plan to vote. Early voting in Massachusetts has already begun, and it’s a good way to assure you will vote this year. I voted early just in case something happens (COVID, an emergency) that would keep me from voting on November 5th.

There are only 13 days until the election. I’m still writing postcards to people in Pennsylvania and Ohio, still occasionally jumping on a phone bank to increase voter turnout in key states. I’ve applied to be a poll worker although I haven’t heard yet. I don’t want to feel on November 6th that I didn’t do my part. I hope you’re doing what you can.

So that we aren’t alone on election night or the day after, Rev. Joel and I will be hosting events at FUUSN. Come join us election night to watch the returns in the Alliance Room; bring libations and a dessert for 8 to share. The next day, we will have an open conversation from 1 to 4pm for anyone who wants to process how they are feeling. We’ll devote the worship service on November 10th to the way forward, no matter the result. How can we help heal the divisiveness that has gripped our country? What is our role as Unitarian Universalists committed to justice, pluralism, and equity, in the years to come? Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us for that worship service. We need each other.

I know many of us are anxious right now. I hope you are practicing good self-care. Limit your news watching. Exercise. Hydrate. Meditate or take naps. Take a walk and enjoy these gorgeous fall days. Come to worship and lose yourself in the beauty of the sanctuary and the music. We will get through this – together.

In Faith,
Rev. Debra