New to FUUSN?
FUUSN is a robust and thriving community of passionate, committed members and friends! We are a liberal religious community, welcoming to all. We are diverse in faith, ethnicity, history, and spirituality, yet unified in our desire to make a difference for the good. To learn more, feel free to contact our Member Services. And in the meanwhile, here are a few suggestions for ways to get to know us better.
FUUSN’s open, accepting Beloved Community provides the opportunity to get to know your neighbors. Whether you’ve just moved away from family and friends, want an intergenerational community for your children, or are still shaking off that sense of isolation from many long months of pandemic lockdown, we offer many ways to connect, in person and on Zoom. We invite you to:
- Attend a Worship Service
- Chat during Coffee Hour
- Enjoy a Social Event
- Subscribe to our newsletter

FUUSN is a non-credal congregation where we support one another with curiosity and compassion as we consider questions about life, faith, God, and humanity. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, our Religious Exploration program offers lifelong learning opportunities to investigate, discuss, and deepen our understanding and faith.
- Enroll your child in K-8 Religious Exploration classes
- Join our Youth Group
- Attend an Adult class or workshop

FUUSN has a thriving community of musicians, dancers, and artists. Aside from our Sanctuary Choir, our music program also included a family choir, men’s choir, gospel choir, band, dance troupe, chime ringers, and multiple ad hoc groups. Our Over 60s Group is sponsoring an Artists Spotlight Series during Coffee Hour. Whether you sing, strum, knit, write, paint, or dance, there’s a place for you here.

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all human beings. Together, we challenge the injustices of our time and strive to create a better world for all. We invite you to join us as we advocate for change locally, nationally, and globally.