Small Group Ministries

Small Group Ministries are starting back up, and we will be using a new program called Soul Matters that would follow our monthly worship themes and allow the small groups to reflect more deeply on those themes. You can learn more about the approach here. For those that are new to all things Small Group Ministries, this is an opportunity for two facilitators and six to eight others to gather together in an intimate setting with a shared covenant.

If you are interested in facilitating, contact You can sign up for New Facilitator Training on:

  • Saturday, September 16 at Noon, or
  • Monday, October 2, at 7:00 PM

If you are interested in participating, contact to put your name on a waiting list. Once our facilitators select a monthly date and time they would like to gather their group, Devin will be sure to reach out to those who are interested and begin registration.