
Sunday Services 2024-2025

Our Sunday worship services begin on September 8, 2024 with our Ingathering and Water Ceremony. Please join us either in person or on Zoom.


This Month’s Services

March 2: This Dangerous Congregation – Rev. Joel Miller

I don’t think of us as dangerous, but I’ve heard others call us dangerous — and for changing the world in such wonderful ways! We also are beginning our Annual Pledge Drive this morning.
Religious Exploration: Club UU (Stewardship)

March 9: Justice – Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner

One of the new UU core values is Justice. We’ll explore what a commitment to justice means in the light of attacks on our democracy as well as the efforts to dismantle DEIA programs (diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility).
Religious Exploration: EPIC Exploring Congregational Stewardship

March 16: Music Sunday – Anne Watson Born

“I will lift mine eyes to the hills” – for centuries, humans have turned to the Biblical Psalms for comfort and guidance. We will sing various psalm settings along with other renewing songs of our faith.
Religious Exploration: Soul Matters (Theme: Trust)

March 23: Faulty Failures – Rev. Joel Miller

Nothing is risk-free in life – which make avoiding all risk costly and impossible. I aim for risks that allow even my failures can have benefits.
Religious Exploration: Spirit Play

March 30: Braiding Sweetgrass – Rev. Joel Miller

One of the new values adopted by the Unitarian Universalist Association is Interconnection. I see it as a practice, and I’ve found the thinking of the Biologist Robin Wall Kimmerer a very helpful way of thinking about this practice.
Religious Exploration: EPIC Exploring Congregational Stewardship

A Note on Gathering in Person

We are delighted to be gathering in person, and to have the option of Zoom for worship and event attendance. As Covid, RSV and other communicable illnesses rise and fall, we hope everyone will exercise caution to keep the community safe:

Stay home if you feel unwell and definitely if you have tested positive for a communicable illness.  Even if you think it’s a cold,  it could be a serious illness, especially for those with compromised immune systems. Follow CDC guidelines to prevent spread. Free Covid tests will soon be available here.

Wear a mask if you feel well but may have been exposed.

Remember that the last few rows of pews in the sanctuary are reserved for folks masking due to increased vulnerability to illness, and respect that space appropriately.

About Worship Service

Our worship services are an opportunity to connect with our deepest selves, with one another, and with our visions for a world of justice and peace.

We gather at 10:15am on Sunday all year round, and welcome people of all ages and identities to join us! If you join us virtually, you can contribute to our collection plate here.

There are programs for children and youth most Sundays, and nursery care for children 4 and under every week.

Our sanctuary is formal, but our vibe is not: we encourage people to dress comfortably, whether that means a dress or a fleece

The service includes:

  • hymns (from traditional Protestant to contemporary songs)
  • readings from many sources of wisdom
  • music of all kinds and a fabulous choir
  • a sermon or reflection
  • meditation
  • sharing the joys and sorrows of the community
  • a voluntary offering to support the work of the congregation or a cause beyond our walls

After the service, we gather for coffee, tea and conversation; a great opportunity to connect and learn more about what is happening that week and reflect on the conversation begun in the service.

Summer Services

Services from the second Sunday of September through the second Sunday of June are led by our professional staff and/or guests; summer services are organized by lay leaders and are often led by guest speakers from a variety of perspectives and disciplines.

View our 2024 Summer Services Schedule

Large wooden doors in an arched doorway open to the church front yard, with a sidewalk, hedge, lawn, lamppost, and maple tree in fall colors ranging from green to yellow to bright orange.In a church with a pipe organ in the background, a woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a purple shirt and gray sweater assists a red-haired boy as he lights a candle inside a large silver chalice.

A man with white hair, mustache, and beard wearing glasses, a dark gray sweater over a blue button-down shirt and gray pants reads from a book to two children sitting on a red rug over a wood floor.

A congregation gathers in a church, in front of the altar and pipe organ and in several rows of pews.