Sunday Service
Sanctuary and ZoomRev. Parisa Parsa
Please make your Annual Pledge — Be Part of Possible!
Pledge HereAnnual Pledge Drive Form 2025Rev. Parisa Parsa
The Sanctuary Boston Callie Jennings and the Sanctuary Boston band bring you a service that will leave you with more questions than you came with, confused, and unsure what it all meant… and hopefully convinced that's a good thing. Trade your free and responsible search for truth and meaning for a tangled-up and reckless crush on […]
Join our wonderfully talented musicians for songs in celebration of our natural world, and attending to climate change!
Guest preacher: Lindsay Donnelly-Bullington Our faith calls us to listen with, not just to, the world around us. What gifts and lessons do our senses offer us in our quest to build and become Beloved Community? Lindsay Donnelly-Bullington (she/her) is an itinerant preacher and an aspirant for Unitarian Universalist ministry. She is completing her MDiv […]
Rev. Parisa Parsa We celebrate the theme of renewal with meditations in word and song on the things that bring us joy, tracing them all the way back to their beginnings as Ross Gay does beautifully in his book Inciting Joy. Creation Dance will offer their movement meditation on renewal and sources of joy, and we […]
This year, our RE Sunday will explore what it means to have a multi-generational community and intergenerational relationships. We'll focus on the youngest among us, by asking: "What can we learn from children and youth?" and "How do we lift their voices and elevate their initiatives?" We will hear from children and youth, and we will […]
Rev. Parisa Parsa Join us for a service honoring those we have lost in wars near and far.
Rev. Parisa Parsa Historically one of the Seven Deadly Sins in Western Christianity, pride has been reclaimed not just by LGBTQ+ folx but also as a healthy and important way to affirm our worth. What are you proud of?
How does FUUSN appear to those who only know us through the newspapers? This Sunday, Gayle Smalley, chair of the FUUSN Preservation Committee, will take us on a tour of FUUSN as seen through newspaper articles about us. What do you hope this might reveal? Come for a conversation about our community and the larger […]
Today we are experiencing something of a renaissance in the understanding and acceptance of psychedelic experience. The medical community is leading this renaissance as it researches the power of psychedelics to address medical conditions such as addiction and anxiety. Yet throughout history, psychedelics have been even more centrally valued for their ability to promote spiritual […]
Singer songwriter Leonard Cohen wrote in his song, Anthem, “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” In this service – Strong in the Broken Places – Claire Willis will invite us to see our wounds and limitations in a new light – as sources of strength and even beauty.