FUUSN Yard Sale
Parish Hall and KitchenFind it at the FUUSN Yard Sale! Toys and games, household items, art, collectibles, kitchen gadgets, pet items, tools, office supplies, crafts, luggage, frames, baskets, and more! Low prices! Please […]
Please make your Annual Pledge — Be Part of Possible!
Pledge HereAnnual Pledge Drive Form 2025Find it at the FUUSN Yard Sale! Toys and games, household items, art, collectibles, kitchen gadgets, pet items, tools, office supplies, crafts, luggage, frames, baskets, and more! Low prices! Please […]
Lay Ministry This Sunday your lay ministers will offer our annual Wheel of Life service. This service is where we recognize our collective transitions of the past year - growing […]
This Sunday, the Member Services Committee will facilitate an opportunity for people of different generations to practice intergenerational deep listening. Come to the Alliance Room for this incredible opportunity to […]
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is defined as “an asset-based approach to organizational and social engagement that utilizes questions and dialogue to help participants uncover existing strengths, advantages, or opportunities” in their […]